A liberal arts college amidst a world-renowned research university, the University of Chicago offers a dynamic education, where over 7,000 students from 50 states and 100 countries sharpen their critical thinking skills and engage in the life of the mind. With small, discussion-based classes and a strong commitment to free expression, UChicago encourages academic exploration and open discussion. UChicago’s Core curriculum is an introduction to the tools of inquiry used in every discipline and is the perfect foundation for any major—and for all future endeavors. Complementing the Core, 50 majors and minors, as well as dozens of specialized study areas, encourage students to explore their academic interests. 80% of UChicago students choose to do research in programs ranging from economics and cinema studies to astrophysics and sociology. More than 160 institutes and centers provide a home for true innovation. On-campus experiences are supplemented by more than 60 study abroad programs.
What is Cumulative GPA: Meaning and How to Calculate It
Navigating the academic landscape can feel like decoding a complex cipher, especially when terms like “GPA” are thrown around. For…