Finding a college that is financially affordable is a top priority. Most colleges are quick to tell you their tuition cost, but that is rarely reflective of the full cost of college. There’s also room and board. Laundry fees. Textbooks. Parking fees. Technology fees. Recreation fees. Need we go on? The good news: that isn’t the case at University of the Cumberlands. Our sticker price is what you pay, period. We believe you and your student should be able to afford an education, learn in a quality academic setting, and have your needs put first, without all the fine print. Not only does Cumberlands have one of the most affordable tuition rates in Kentucky, we are now working to make college even more affordable with the Cumberlands Commitment fund. This program will help lessen student debt by ensuring all on-campus students pay, on average, less than $4,000 a year out of pocket. That’s the Cumberlands Commitment.
What is Cumulative GPA: Meaning and How to Calculate It
Navigating the academic landscape can feel like decoding a complex cipher, especially when terms like “GPA” are thrown around. For…