HomeGrade Calculator8 out of 21

8 out of 21 Test Score

If you want to find out your class grade you can use this easy-to-use calculator. Just enter the total questions and the correct or the incorrect answers.

Grade Calculator

Grade Correct Answers Incorrect Answers Percent
A+ 20 to 21 0 to 1 97% to 100%
A 20 to 20 1 to 1 93% to 97%
A- 19 to 20 1 to 2 90% to 93%
B+ 18 to 19 2 to 3 87% to 90%
B 17 to 18 3 to 4 83% to 87%
B- 17 to 17 4 to 4 80% to 83%
C+ 16 to 17 4 to 5 77% to 80%
C 15 to 16 5 to 6 73% to 77%
C- 15 to 15 6 to 6 70% to 73%
D+ 14 to 15 6 to 7 67% to 70%
D 13 to 14 7 to 8 63% to 67%
D- 13 to 13 8 to 8 60% to 63%
F 0 to 13 8 to 21 0% to 60%

You achieved a score of 8 out of 21, resulting in a grade percentage of 38.10%. With 13 questions or points missed, your overall letter grade is F, which signifies unsatisfactory performance performance. The grading scale ranges from A+, representing exceptional performance, to F, indicating unsatisfactory performance. This report helps you understand your strengths and areas for improvement, ensuring clarity in performance evaluation based on a well-defined grading system.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a score of 8 out of 21 good?

Whether this score is “good” depends on the grading scale or context, but based on the calculated percentage and corresponding letter grade of F, your performance is considered unsatisfactory performance. For example, if your grade is an “A,” this indicates excellent or exceptional performance, which is generally viewed as very good. However, if it is a “C” or lower, this would suggest average or below-average performance, which might not be considered good depending on the situation.

Is a score of 8 out of 21 a F?

Yes, based on the scoring system, a score of 8 out of 21 results in a percentage of 38.10%, which corresponds to a letter grade of F. This grade is determined by dividing the total number of correct answers by the total number of questions and converting the result into a percentage. This percentage is then matched to the grading scale to determine the letter grade.

What grade is 8 out of 21?

The grade for 8 correct answers out of 21 is F, based on a percentage grade of 38.10%. This letter grade reflects the level of performance as defined in the grading scale, where F indicates unsatisfactory performance. For example, if the grade is a “B,” it means good or above-average performance, suggesting a strong effort and understanding of the material. On the other hand, if the grade is a “D,” it indicates below-average performance, highlighting areas for improvement.

What percentage is 8 out of 21?

The percentage grade for a score of 8 out of 21 is calculated as 38.10%. This is derived by dividing the number of correct answers by the total number of questions and multiplying the result by 100. The percentage gives a clear numerical representation of your performance, which is then used to assign a letter grade. For example, if the percentage is 92%, this is considered an “A,” representing excellent performance.

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20 out of 21 21 out of 21

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